Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) Irish judge threatens user privacy feature, because it allows a person's face and name recognition while doing 'tag' photos.
The order was issued in Ireland because Facebook operations in Europe centered there. Billy Hawkes from DPC to investigate this claim to be happy for your willingness to Facebook removes the feature in Europe.
"I am satisfied with the results of the review showed a clear and sustained commitment to the responsibilities of data protection and privacy," he said as quoted by Reuters on Monday (24/09/2012).
Although the elimination of a whole new feature will be implemented on October 15, new Facebook users could not access the feature from now on.
"Based on discussions with regulators in Ireland, we agreed to remove Tag Suggest feature in Europe," a statement on Facebook.
Facebook is said, it will cooperate with the relevant Irish authorities in an appropriate manner to obtain the user's permission to implement this kind of technology.
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